Meeting Charlie
27 August

August progressed.

I made some practical use of the long break from work by organising appointments with my Dentist, Doctor and Optician.

I also did useful outdoor stuff. I'm trying to work out whether this is a nifty shade of green or fifty sheds in green. Anyway, at over 60, it's not surprising that my wood needs treating.

Me painting the shed greenMe painting the shed green

Buss Pass I received proof positive that I am now officially old when my bus pass arrived

Nigel corrected me by saying that I am now officially "senior". Though senior to what or whom he didn't know. Senior, however, implies respect and I'm not sure that comes with the territory - if, indeed, it ever did. Still, I'm looking forward to making my first free journey.

Mind you, as Ian pointed out, you are only as old as who you feel, or something like that...

Guardians of the Galaxy Ross and I went to the cinema to see Guardians of the Galaxy.

Once again, I did wonder beforehand what I was doing. And the only true answer is that I am enabling Ross to do something which he wouldn't otherwise bring into his life. Nevertheless, I do wish that he didn't have such a penchant for Comic Book Hero movies.

However, once again, my objections were thwarted. I laughed a lot and liked whole lampooning of the genre.

I feel such sadness that Robin Williams is not longer with us to jest and cause riot. I remember him for bizarre off the cuff comments such as this as he played out his trying to make sense of the world persona.

"Do you think God gets stoned? I think so... Look at the platypus."

In mid-month, Ross was hospitalised for a short time. He was quickly stabalised and it appears to have been some sort of viral infection. This set a number of alarm bells ringing for me. Eighteen months' ago, Ross was seeing a consultant after six months of pain. He was told then that he had gastric problems and some sort of damage to nerve tissue in the lower rib-cage which may have been caused by a viral infection.

This time, he's been left with a tremour in his left eye. There is a remote possibility that there has been permanent damage to the optic nerve. Only a prolonged period of recuperation will give any indication as to what is going on. Unsurprisingly, after eighteen months of being shunted between departments, Ross is not taking this situation calmly. It is especially galling for him since his eyesight forms a large part of who and what he is as an artist.

Sam I said that I was going to try for a second holiday meet with Sam before the new school year started up and I managed just that.

Standing up with the hands on the back of a chair, he arched his back and displayed his smooth skinned ass for me in all its glory. It would have been impolite for me not to take him up on his offer and so I was exceeding polite to him for an exhausting fifteen minutes that left us both jelly legged.

I lay down to rest but Sam took advantage of my supine posture: he threw a leg over my torso and lowered himself onto my cock. I just lay back and watched him rise and fall and gyrate and wank himself.

It was a couple of minutes before I twigged the artfully positioned full length cheval mirror and then my attention was riveted by the sight of that fabulous ass squirming all over my cock.

After he'd shot his load all over me, I asked if the mirror had been put in that position deliberately and he said yes but that it was always there. I confessed to not having noticed the effect previously and Sam explained that you only got the effect if you were in the right position. He also added that he saved the treat for special customers. I told him that he was a self-promoting little tart and he laughed and agreed with me.

I also had a couple of days in London so that I could visit Robert and Anna and meet Charlie for the first time.

The Sheaf Once installed at the hotel, I took myself over to Tate Modern for their Henri Matisse: The Cut-Outs show.

I love the cut-outs for many reasons. As with Beethoven, they show how a true artist continually evolves and finds new ways of presenting their material. And, also like Beethoven, they represent a triumph of artistic endeavour against the failings of the body - Beethoven and his deafness and Matisse's increasing physical frailty in his 70s and 80s.

Physically unable to sustain the amount of work it took him to complete a large scale canvas, he turned to the cut-outs and over two decades produced snowflowers, dancers, circus scenes, the blue nudes series and The Sheaf opposite.

It was a stunning show. If anything, made just too overwhelming by the sheer scale and variety and quality of the output.

Robert and Charlie and Me And the following morning, I took myself off on the Docklands Light Railway to Lewisham to spend time with Robert and Anna.

And I met Charlie who is a wriggly, dribbly, inquisitive, bright-eyed little beast.

And utterly charming.

Me and CharlieMe and Charlie