Things Changed Rapidly
24 February

Well, things changed rapidly at school from mid-February onwards.

Firstly, half-term came and went very rapidly.

Paul During the respite, Ross and I (at my instigation and using electronic resources to track down a willing individual) invited Paul (known online as Joeey) to join us on our bed in return for an agreed recompense.

A short, skinny scally lad turned up at our front door wearing ultra tight jeans and look of deep suspicion on his face. We did our best to set him at his ease, removed his clothing and proceeded to take turns ransacking his hind quarters. To the best of our knowledge, he had a pleasant enough experience. Certainly, he enjoyed sitting on Ross's cock and bouncing up and down for all he was worth. I'm not sure that my less chunky member gave him quite the thrill that he was hoping for.

Nevertheless, by the end of the two hours, Ross and I had both filled a condom inside him and he had spread his load over Ross's stomach with a satisfied grunt. General suggestions about future meets were exchanged.

Back at school, the other NQT I'd been working alongside decided to resign. Well, I say decided but she was acting on heavy hints. Initially, I was approached to take over the class but I said no on the grounds that I was stretched to capacity by domestic matters. My world was full of uncertainty as to whether or not Ross’s decline in health would lead to the possibility of operation. I felt I just didn't need any further long term commitments at that moment in time.

So, that was that and then I was approached with a second offer. The Senior Leadership Team's back-up plan had not gone according to plan. Their alternative teacher was not available until Easter. The next half term is very short - barely five weeks. It'll be over before you know it. You'll basically share the class with another experienced teacher and it'll give you a lot more experience.

Short and curlies time really. Don't want to do it but then neither do I want a reputation for running away from challenges. So, I got Ross's backing and I got mum's backing (I'll probably see less of her in the coming months) and I grasped the nettle.

Ross's situation is still up in the air although the news is more positive than some time back. At the back end of January, he was having trips to the Gastro clinic, ultrasound, haemostatsis and liver tests. The Consultant has told him that we can rule out any immediate, life-threatening condition and that, now all the test results are in, there are no signs that any surgical interventions are required. So, big relief and much tears.

There are problems but there’s now a medical strategy to sort out issues with digestion and some sort of damage to nerve tissue in the lower rib-cage. So, we've now got a road map and a three month window to see how this progresses. I’m just so relieved that, after some four or five months of uncertainty, someone has actually said this is what I think is going on and this is what we intend to do about it.

It would be wrong to say that work has yet become fun but there is still fun to be had.

For example, whilst passing through the dining room one morning, I encountered one of the children writing up the lunchtime menu. The meal was to be burgers and wedgies and (to follow) fudge. She had paused halfway through writing the last word, uncertain of the spelling.

I approached her smiling. "So," I said, "What's the FU word going to be, then?"

As I winced, she grinned at me.

I've spent time in school over the half term trying to sort some of the mess out. There doesn't appear to have been any assessment recorded in the last six months. Goodness only know what my former colleague thought she was doing but it certainly wasn't in line with school policy.

I also sorted out seating arrangements for an enlarged class since Year 6 Low set and Year 5 Low set for Maths will join into a group of about 28. My brief was - there have to be 28 seats and 4 separate table groupings. The result was not good despite the many permutations attempted.

I also had a good reflect about my current situation.



My mentor thought that this was a fair summary.

So, as of 8:50am tomorrow I have my own class (allbeit just for the next half term and just as an interim measure). Guess who won't be getting much sleep tonight. Haha

My difficulties with Student Finance England continue and are proving to be remarkably similar to my struggles with Hugh Baird College two years ago. There's a complete lack of communication between departments, procedures do not seem to have been followed and there is no acknowledgement that anything has been done incorrectly.

So far, I've had a succession of increasingly strident communications from the Student Loans Company in Glasgow culminating in the threat of a Debt Collection Agency. It was through them that I found out that Student Finance England required further information regarding Ross's tax code. I had had no such request from Student Finance England. It beggars description really.

Anyhow, we've sent them Ross's payslips for the past three months. Basically, they show that he's not earned anything and so I'm hoping that the bureaucrats will now back off and restore the grant.

Whoop! Whoop! Today I have easily surmounted the first of two Parents Evenings with 5B and I have been told, informally, that I have passed the first term of my NQT year. Now all I have to do is plan tomorrow afternoon. It's all about keeping those plates spinning. LOL