22 March

We are now well on the way into spring.

Front garden Our front garden is looking particularly welcoming. It was a good year for the snowdrops this year, quite plump and white. The dillydaffs and the hyacinths are now offering up a glorious display for me as I return home from work.

And, of course, it's now light for me when I wake up and when I get home from work as well. We've just passed the equinox and so we are moving well into the lighter time of the year.

Christopher and his Kind Ross and I watched Christopher and his Kind on BBC on Saturday. It was based on the book by Christopher Isherwood, which covers the ground he had already fictionalised in Goodbye to Berlin and Mr Norris Changes Trains and which in turn became the basis for the play I am a Camera which in its turn became the basis for the musical Cabaret. Dr Who (aka Matt Smith) played the author and there were plenty of other good actors. I just couldn't summon up too much enthusiasm for the project as a whole. [Two and a Half Stars - Reasonable]

mass Ecco si Beato Giorno I've been far more taken with my latest CD purchase of I Fagiolini conducted by Robert Hollingworth performing Alessandro Striggio's 40 part motet Ecce Beatam Lucem and his mass Ecco si Beato Giorno, which requires as many as 60 voices for its final Agnus Dei.

I have loved Thomas Tallis's 40 part motet Spem in alium since David introduced me to it in the late-1980s. It's assumed that Tallis wrote the work in response to a challenge as to who in England could match Striggio's work. Striggio himself brought one or other of the scores mentioned above with him when he visited London in 1567.

Both of Striggio's settings differ from the a cappella version of Tallis's work that we generally hear today, for the Italian added a group of continuo instruments to each of the five choirs. Frankly, it's all marvellous. [Four Stars - Excellent]

Scot But the big news is that I may have found a replacement for Kyle. This escort's name is Scot (again assuming a professional name here) and WOW!!

We met up for our tryst on the first day of spring and he was a real tonic. He's charming, good-looking and intelligent with a nicely-defined swimmer's physique (that lovely tapering V-shape which starts at the shoulders and narrows to hips that you want to hold onto whilst you pound). And he fucks like a dream.

His profile states that he only offers a passive service. That's true; the service is excellent. This one has all the attributes to make him a keeper.