Half Way There
20 March

It's both exciting and scary to watch your home pulled apart in front of your eyes.

I looked into the front bedroom on Monday night after the workers had been there for the first day of the project and could see right up into the attic. There was no ceiling at all - just bare rafters. And an awful lot of rubble where the existing plaster and lath had been torn down.

Anyhow, that's now all covered up by new plaster board and the whole has been re-plastered and is drying off gradually. The workers have done a sterling job of keeping the dust down to a minimum but nevertheless I've been coming home from work and wiping everything down and vacuuming the stairs each evening.

The worst part of it all has been sleeping downstairs. I've been on the bed settee in the music room; Ross has been on cushions on the floor in the living room. Surprisingly, we've both slept relatively well. It's just that we've been in the same house but apart and that has felt very unnatural.

And this week now is a matter of cleaning up the mess in the two front rooms so that all of the boxes and furniture can be moved out of the back room so that the workers can come back next week and rip that room to pieces as well. My first objective was for Ross and I to get back into bed together and, by Saturday night, I had at least managed to get our bed back together again in the spare room. More cleaning and shifting plus a day's holiday today, Tuesday, and we are back in our own room, if under straightened circumstances.

I've also had a couple of medical things. I had an appointment at the hospital to check out my sinuses and, apparently, I have no current trouble with polyps. What I do have is movement in the bone so that my left sinus is less wide than my right. And, apparently, this is true from 99% of the population.

Personally, I put it down to the moment, eighteen months ago, when Ross and I were in bed together and he accidentally head-butted me.

I've also had a visit to Dr Dye and she has suggested that I get my bloods tested to see why I am so lacking in energy.

Breakfast on Pluto I popped into Crosby Central Library and there in the DVD section was Breakfast on Pluto - a film that I have wanted to see for a while. Alas, it was a disappointment. It was well mounted but I found the magic realism very arch. I could have done with begin either more magical or more realistic. But, ho hum, not every wish that comes true is a gift. [Two Stars - Average]