More Family Matters
31 January

January has brought with it two significant family birthdays.

Son Robert has now completed his 25th year whilst Ross's brother, Sam, has now completed his 18th year.

Ross and I helped to ease Sam's passage into adulthood by attending a family meal over on the east coast. It all went very well and I even got to propose the loyal toast in between the main course and the dessert; the loyal toast is (as we know) usually made to the reigning monarch (currently a queen) but this toast was to Sam, who is really more of a mini-diva.

Two other significant aspects to the occasion were that (No 1) Ross and I slept at Ross's parents' house together and in the same bed and (No 2) Ross took the opportunity for us to have carnal knowledge of each other under those circumstances.

Earlier that week, Robert had celebrated within the space of a few days his first New York opening and his own 25th birthday. I take a deal of pride in that sentence. Judging from the reviews quoted on the Troika Ranch website the work was moderately well received. Ross and I sent flowers for the opening (bought in New York via Internet shopping) and an e-card for his actual birthday since I don't know his exact living address.

It's hard to believe that Gill and I went on holiday together to Crete nearly 26 years ago and that, in Spinalonga, (either in a bed or in a shower) Robert was conceived. It doesn't seem possible that all of that time has passed by.