Full Moon Sunshine
15 January

Thank goodness for sunshine this week.

It had, by the end of the week, lifted the mood of everyone concerned at work. Suddenly, from the fraught faces of the previous week, disappeared and were replaced by happy, shining, laughing faces.

I'd taken a deep breath over the weekend and had emailed in to say that I felt very inadequate to take on the task that I'd been put to. Jill and I talked it through and, by the end, I felt much re-assured. All in all, it probably isn't the job that I thought it was going to be. But, once again, I've stood up for myself in ways that I wouldn't have some years back.

In fact, as people were asking me how I felt this week, I've been answering honestly by saying that I'm feeling gloomy and down in the dumps. It has resulted in a number of good supportive conversations.

The other big event of the week was on Friday night. Ross and I went out to the Quaker Meeting House in Southport to support a full moon meditation meeting. Apparently, these types of meeting have been taking place all over the world for some years now. The idea behind them is that the chances of world peace and the general well-being of the planet are both improved if people gather to meditate on positive thoughts.

Quite how far I buy into that I'm not sure; I certainly found some of the surrounding rhetoric and symbolism difficult to stay with. However, it was a lovely end to the week and a most pleasant thing for Ross and I to do together.