Rose Time
2 July

Roses have started to flower. Each year they get bigger and better and the scent from the yellow roses is one of the highlights of my summer.

Not a lot has been happening apart from a delightful day spent with the aging Ps. In an early celebration of mother's birthday and a late celebration of father's day, they came over to stay with Ross and I last Saturday. Even Nutkin eventually condescended to stay and say "Hello" rather than scream and rush for the door as he normally does when visitors are around.

We prepared a rather special meal of chicken cooked with lemon and herbs, salad and new boiled potatoes followed by a fruit salad which included strawberries from our garden.

The Mikado Then it was off to Rufford Old Hall for a performance of The Mikado given by the Hoghton Players. Initially, I was non-plussed by the fact that the performers were in mufti but as the evening wore on this mattered less and less. This was clearly a community performance with all of the pluses and minuses that that entails. So, forget high production values; forget strict tonal accuracy; forget full orchestra. Just enjoy it. Which is what we did and it was most enjoyable. [Three Stars - Good]

The evening sky darkened over us. Swallows chased flies. Cattle lowed in the distant. There are infinitely worse ways of spending a family Saturday night.