Foxglove Time
31 May

Well, at work it was a troubling week.

Having survived the initial shock of working in the training room on my own with twenty unemployed people, I did my professional bit and sorted them out so that they all sat their assignment on the Friday and most appeared to do very well. We'll see what sort of a fist they've made of it next week when I come to mark the evidence.

Picasso's Woman Vase Ross and I took time out on the Thursday night to attend the private viewing of the new show at Tate Liverpool entitled The Secret Life of Clay. It was one of the best things we've seen at the Tate for some time - amazing pieces by Miró, Picasso, Duchamp and other lumineries showing how, far from falling out of favour, clay had continues to be an important medium for major artists throughout the twentieth century. I loved Alexander Archipenko's Woman in Fur for its voluptous shape and textures. Anthony Goldsworthy's clay wall was inspringly simple. Marc Chagall's Woman and Flowers was a triumph of texture and subtle colouration. I was bowled over by the whole show. [Four Stars - Excellent]

Me and my dad Elsewhere in Rossie and David Land, it was full steam ahead preparing for a family Bank Holiday weekend. As well as May being the month of my fiftieth birthday, it was also my father's eightieth birthday. So, there was a gathering at my parents' house. My sister, Linda, her husband Ian and Mary were there. As was Gill who stayed in Crosby with the two of us.

Family group The main meal took place over on the Wirral in Thornton Hough and was a jolly if sober affair as there were a number of drivers present. Photographs on the lawn afterwards were de rigeur.

Birthday cake The big task that Ross and I undertook was the provision of the cake. We used our local cake shop here in Crosby - called David's Cakes of Distinction unbelievably. The cake was a great success.

Dad and his bubbly My cousin, Joe, had sent a gift from the United Arab Emirates, where he is currently living and working. This rather large bottle of champagne is called Baron Albert which rather tickled my dad.

All in all, it went very well. I can't say that I like these sort of semi-formal family occasions. However, it was more than pleasant to see a little of Gill.

Ross's family We could have done with a day off then really. But no. Bank Holiday Monday brought Ross's parents and another family occasion. We lunched out at the Ship Inn at Haskayne and then took a trip to the Lady Green Nursery.

Again most pleasant but it has been a busy month and I feel that I really need to rein things in a little if I am going to cope with the work situation. I have my six month review of my medication coming up soon and I don't want to prejudice my case.