Healing with Janet and Barbara
21 November

I learnt yesterday that I didn't get the first job with Liverpool City Council.

Though that's a disappointment (it's always good to be wanted), it does stop me having to take decisions about whether or not I want to work the unsocial hours involved in the job.

However, it's probably good in the long run. I really need to re-focus back onto what I want and need. this came up in no uncertain terms when I went to Janet for some healing on Thursday afternoon.

I said in the last posting that I had been transported back to horrible previous times. Out of that connection, I thought I was going to lose everything, my job, my home, Ross. I became terribly afraid. Janet pointed out to me that it was OK to feel this but that I should keep things in perspective. This was not a catastrophe. But it was a warning of a catastrophe.

She asked me to remember my gifts and talents and to ask myself whether or not I was actually doing the right things to use them properly at present. And she just helped me through.

So, I'm going to

I've also taken the opportunity of fitting in an extra yoga session. Barbara also takes a class on Friday mornings. Oh, how nice it would be to be able to attend yoga twice a week. *Happy*

Barbara listened to what had been going on health-wise. She mentioned that there is a definite bug going around and that it can take up to three weeks to clear through the system. So, she added into the session a few special yoga positions to promote healing and to help me release tension from some of the areas in which I store it and included special breathing techniques (apparently asthmatics tend to breathe predominantly through their right nostril).

And it all helped.

Ross and I have been doing nice things too. We've been having a nice go-to-bed milky chocolate drink. We've had nice glowing coal fires in the grate. We've been watching both the extended versions of The Fellowship of the Ring and The Twin Towers.

It's been good to do so little.