One Year Old
5 November

We do not know the exact date of Nutkin's birth.

However, it was somewhere at the beginning of November. So, the illustrious date of 5 November seems as good as any to celebrate his coming into the world.

Photo of Nutkin

Nutkin has brought a good deal of sunshine and light into our lives. I don't think that I have know a cat with a sunnier personality. Cyril was (and will remain) a peer among cats. Jones was one of the soppiest and most loving animals I shall hope to encounter. Nutkin, however, when he is not scratching the furniture or digging up the flowerbeds, is a delight.

Photo of Nutkin

Ross and Nutkin love each other. There's no other way of explaining it. There is a complete bond between the two of them. Personally, I love Nutkin's laughter. If a cat can laugh, then Nutkin does. His wide-eyed delight when we play with him is a joy to behold.

So, happy birthday, Nutters. *Happy*