Two Meals
10 February

Well, a couple of meals to report on.

Firstly, Mr Chow's in Parkgate with my parents. This was remarkable for being the first time in 75 years than my mum had had a Chinese meal. She is still talking about the chicken and sweetcorn soup and the sweet and sour chicken.

Secondly Ross and I took a trip out to The Ship Inn in Haskayne and had a very nice Sunday lunch a deux by the side of the Leeds/Liverpool canal.

Little else to report. We watched Die Zauberflöte from Covent Garden on BBC2. I'm very glad we didn't pull out all the stops to see it even though Ross is very keen on The Magic Flute. David McVicar's production was OK but nothing special after the ones we've seen at ENO and WNO. And, as with the Don Giovanni we saw last year, Colin Davis's tempi just felt flabby most of the time. So, despite some wonderful singing, I think we saved ourselves a lot of money by not going.

Catch Me If You Can poster Much more superior in entertainment terms was Catch Me If You Can, the latest Spielberg outing with Tom Hanks and Leonardo di Caprio. It passed a more than pleasant couple of hours rating three good stars. [Three Stars - Good]

Leo looked good in sixties leisure wear with those drainpipe trousers showing off his cute tush.