Angel Cards and Shadow Cards
31 January

One of my Christmas present this year was a pack of Angel cards and Shadow cards from Gill.

The idea behind them is that they can be used as an aid to contemplation. You take an Angel card at random. This represents the quality that you have either most in need of or the one you are currently working with. Then you take a Shadow card which represents the aspect of yourself which is getting in the way and preventing you from achieving what you want. Then you take a final Angel card which represents the quality which will help you find a way through.

Ross and I finally did some talking about what we wanted from the New Year. He still finds it incredibly difficult to articulate what he wants and treats every approach for a personal viewpoint like some sort of trick question designed to entrap him.

We used the Angel and Shadow cards to ask what qualities we would need in the coming year. My response was pretty uncontroversial.

1st Angel Shadow 2nd Angel
Delight Imbalance Inspiration

I've said for a long while that I want a little more enjoyment out of the next year and a little less duty. I can see that focusing too heavily on some things at the expense of others could be a disadvantage and a distraction. I'm sure that inspiration is a way through.

Ross's words were a little more controversial.

1st Angel Shadow 2nd Angel
Healing Arrogance Expectancy

We can both see the need for healing. I can see the arrogance as being a problem even if Ross can't. It's the expectancy that we are both stumped over.

Still, it gives us something to work with.