Winding Down
31 January

Well, sliding towards the end of the year now.

Ross and I have been full of cold so any thoughts that we had had about doing the sales or making use of the holidays have been shelved. We were to have spent New Year's Eve with my parents but the chances of my infecting my dad with my cold are so high that we have cancelled.

Instead, it's been a time of cuddling down and keeping warm and rested and well fed. there's been precious little on television. We've followed Dinotopia but frankly it was a poorly written and acted enterprise with only passable special effects. I've been reading the book to accompany the Channel Four series The Edwardian Country House. Ross bought me this a while back but it's taken a while to get around to opening it. It is fascinating. A social history within a household. There's not quite enough detail about the lads for my tastes, however. *Roll your eyes*

We've started putting bread out for the birds again. This year, as well as the frequent robin visitor, we've acquired a blackbird family (Mr and Mrs) and a mistle thrush (which is very exciting as I haven't seen one of those since I was a small thing). We also get birds that look as though they could be tits from there portly shape and others which have a white breast and an elongated body and could be a linnet or a finch of some sort.

I've tried to engage Ross to talk about what we might do with next year. I feel as though I am banging my head against a brick wall.