4 October

There are have been a lot of Janets in my life during the past week or so.

Last Friday I was interviewed for the job of Web content editor at Liverpool University. The post's line manager was named Janet. I've since heard that I've not made it through to the second round but they have left the door open by saying that, if they can't appoint at that stage, they will come back to me.

Come Saturday, Ross and I went to a Festival of Body and Mind at Crosby Civic Hall. It was the sheer luck that I saw the event advertised but, once I'd seen it, I knew that I had to attend. Having reached the understanding that I have been waiting for me to stop waiting, I felt that I needed to be there.

The room was not large and there were mainly stalls offering things to buy. I knew that I was really looking for a healer. There were plenty of tarot specialists around, lots of opportunities for self-knowledge but that's not were I am at present. Unlike Ross, who in his mid-20s is still seeking to understand himself, I, in my late-40s, am now interested more in processes of transformation.

I treated myself to an Indian head massage which was pleasant. Then I wandered. There was a stall offering Reiki. I gave it a miss. My experiences of Reiki have not been good. But I kept coming back there. So, I booked myself in. As the first table came available, I realised that I had to go to the toilet. So I let the next person go ahead of me and went off to relieve myself and was back in time when the second table became free. Which is how I met Janet.

I think at last, I may have met my healer. I've had one complete treatment from her since. She works out in St Helens which is a bit of a schlepp. But, if this is someone with whom I can work at last, then it will be worth the journey.

And finally, today, I had a meeting with Janet, my line manager, about my time off from work with illness. Apparently, it's been creeping up and she was concerned on a personal level. I must say that I was surprised. I didn't think that I'd had all that much time off but it's all been odd days here and there. I'm sure it's a part of feeling disaffected with work.

I also need to note that last Sunday, I went over to Irby to see my parents. My dad has had a bronchoscopy so that the medicos could have a look down his throat to see what was causing the gruffness he has been experiencing. He has a lesion on his vocal chords. We await further news from the doctor but it may well be something serious.

Now try this.

Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first woman she meets and then teams up with three complete strangers to kill again.

What does that sound like? Another item from Fortean Times? No. Something from police reports? No. It was a Marin County newspaper's TV listing for The Wizard of Oz. Very California, m'dears.

Finally, distressing news reaches us that despite the announced breakup of Hear'say, a new line-up has been contemplated.

Kevin Spacey and Co