Van Hire
19 August

You can tell that this week has been supremely uneventful by the fact that the most significant thing to happen was my hiring a van.

I did a lot with the van, mind.

For example, I went over to my parents' and collected a couple of single beds which they have been storing for me. These are now in the back bedroom and make up the accommodation for visiting people such as Eva, my German lesbian friend, and Chris from Cambridge.

With Roland's help, I then filled the van with all the various detritus I've collected over the past nine months - a drainage unit, broken bits of storage units, plastic piping, two radiators, the covering for a boiler, carpet off-cuts, etc, etc. Then it was off to the Council recycling unit near Maghull to get shut of it.

On Roland's advice, I took a nifty little back route through from Maghull to Ince Blundell so as to do a bulk shop at Tesco's. Well, have transport, will stock up. The journey took me passed a number of farms selling produce direct to the buyer - I must look into all of that a lot more once Ross gets settled up here. I also passed a sign which said that the pagoda in the garden of Ince Blundell Hall was being renovated. I'm intrigued. Sometime, with transport, I must check that out.

Once suitably stocked up, I trundled over to see Colin - I told you I did a lot with the van. Pleasant evening. Much operatic chat. Good food. Home by 10:30pm.

The one bad side to having the van was that collection and delivery time was 9am, which has meant that I haven't had much of a sleep in this weekend at all. Chiz. *Frown* And I have a busy time of it coming up. It will be October now before I have a free weekend to myself again.

Suddenly, once again, the summer is almost gone. Bank holiday, next weekend. Then the schools go back, then the colleges, then the universities and then the long, long slog up until Christmas begins.

Oh, I should mention that my parents came to visit earlier today. They were far too excited about developments here at the house with the carpets and beds and couldn't restrain themselves from insisting on seeing the results for themselves. They were pleased. Which pleases me. It is like dealing with two three year olds however. No wonder they get on well with Mary.

At work, my mentee, Pero, has departed for his new, real job (he was on work experience with us). We parted on good terms with him very grateful for the input I'd given during the past six months. We've also had a new member of permanent staff join us - one Paul Fitz. Phwarr!! Definite PMT (Prime Male Tottey). As the butcher's dog. I did, however, blot my copybook with him almost immediately.

I'd gone slack and doe-eyed as he was being shown round and, as he was introduced to me as "This is Paul, Paul Fitz", I responded with "I'll bet he does". And, d'you know, those words were out of my mouth before I'd had a chance to engage my brain. Oh, dear. Fitz as a butcher's dog. *Blush*

Final things. Ross has found out that it should be easy for him to transfer his disability services from Tower Hamlets to Sefton. So, currently, it would seem that he will be moving here next summer. However, he has to make a decision about the rental agreement on his flat in December. So, by the end of the year, we'll have a better idea as to how the future will pan out.

Also, we've got tickets for Rigoletto at Covent Garden. Huzzar!! *Smiles*