13 May

I watched the Cup Final in London whilst Ross was asleep on Saturday afternoon.

When Michael Owen's 2nd goal went in, mine was the lone voice for several miles screaming and shouting. This was followed by an eerie silence during which tumbleweed drifted through town. I was almost prepared for the next sound to be that of diamond geezers cocking their sawn-off shotguns.

Michael Owen Scores Michael Owen Scores

Football is a funny thing. Bill Shankley said "Football's not a matter of life or death. It's more important than that." That may sound flippant but there's a ring of truth to it. When you have a love of a sport or any endeavour which is as rooted into the community as it is on Merseyside, then the vicissitudes of fate and fortune

Michael Owen Scores Support for Liverpool Football Club has been the only thing that I have atavistically insisted upon with Robert. I support Liverpool FC, my dad supports Liverpool FC, my granddad supported Liverpool FC and so did his father before him.

Revenge was sweet in this match. For the past thirty years, I have endured watching Charlie George score in the 1971 Cup Final time after time. Long haired git that he was. Lying down on the floor like that as though he owned the place. Now the Gooners will have to watch little Mickey's goal time and time again.


I emailed my cousin, Joe, seven years older than me, a life-long Liverpool supporter and currently living and working in the Arab Emirates.

Poor Arsenal.

What a travesty of justice to go ahead and then lose by two goals.

Our hearts go out to them...

Once we've stopped laughing

Aahh ha ha ha ha ha ha
Aahh ha ha ha ha ha ha
Aahh ha ha ha ha ha ha
Aahh ha ha ha ha ha ha
Aahh ha ha ha ha ha ha
Aahh ha ha ha ha ha ha
Aahh ha ha ha ha ha ha
Aahh ha ha ha ha ha ha
Aahh ha ha ha ha ha ha
Aahh ha ha ha ha ha ha
Aahh ha ha ha ha ha ha
Aahh ha ha ha ha ha ha
Aahh ha ha ha ha ha ha
Aahh ha ha ha ha ha ha
Aahh ha ha ha ha ha ha
Aahh ha ha ha ha ha ha
Aahh ha ha ha ha ha ha
Aahh ha ha ha ha ha ha
Aahh ha ha ha ha ha ha
Aahh ha ha ha ha ha ha
Aahh ha ha ha ha ha ha
Aahh ha ha ha ha ha ha

He emailed back

Hi David - yes it's really so sad that we played so badly yet won. If my voice ever comes back I will commiserate with any Arsenal fans I find weeping in the gutter.

The other problem is the tears in my eyes from laughing so much as you said.

One down, two to go - lets hope my heart holds out!

Yes, God is a scouser.

All the best
