After Easter
20 April

OK, I should never have mentioned the duck thing.

Here you go. I went shopping. I bought a duck going cheap. Bad joke. I know. They normally go quack. Got it home. Ross said he'd supervise its cooking. So, I let him get on with it. I just said that, if he wanted any help lifting, he was to ask. All went well. I asked Ross if he wanted a hand. He said no the duck was in the oven and he was about to baste it for the first time. I said, "Where are the giblets?" He said, "What giblets?" I said, "The giblets that are clearly mentioned on the packaging which will be in a plastic back inside the bird."


Anyhow, it all worked out OK. Even after 30 mins at 190°, the inside of the bird was cool and the plastic bag unscathed by the heat. The bird, when we ate it, was fabulous.

It's about the nearest Ross and I have got to a loss of temper situation in a long time but we weathered it. And we both did it (mostly) as adults. I didn't become papa David and he didn't become baby Ross. Quite miraculous really.

Garden Furniture

It got to be quite mild as the week wore on so Ross spent quite a bit of time outside in the garden whilst I was in work.

Evening times we relaxed and watched television or caught up with videos. The best was American Beauty. It really is a remarkable film. The script is incredibly skilful. I kept following through the various mentions of beauty in its various forms. And the cinematography is virtuosic also. There are just so many times when the screen is composed around a little block of red colour somewhere in the frame.

It was a joy once more to see Wes Bentley. He doesn't appear to have done a lot since though.

Wes Bentley

Shock of the evening was Allison Janney who plays the catatonic mother. She's the same actress who plays CJ in The West Wing. I was open mouthed. They are such different characters. I simply hadn't realised that it was the same actress.

Allison Janney

We also listened to the BBC production of The Lord of the Rings in 13 hour long episodes. It was a sort of Tolkein book. Sorry. Another bad joke.

I never finished reading the novels. I got about half way through book two, I think, before I threw it away screaming "If they sing one more bloody song I shall go spare." *Big Grin*

For the record, the Classic FM Hall of Fame had a change. Previous years the top four have been

  1. Bruch/Violin Concerto
  2. Rachmaninov/Piano Concerto No 2
  3. Mozart/Clarinet Concerto
  4. Vaughan Williams/The Lark Ascending

This year it was

  1. Rachmaninov/Piano Concerto No 2
  2. Bruch/Violin Concerto
  3. Mozart/Clarinet Concerto
  4. Vaughan Williams/The Lark Ascending

Classic FM got so excited about the change that they included it in their news bulletins.

So, that was it for the week after Easter. Thursday night after work, I met Ross at Lime Street Station and we travelled down to London to fit up his pieces for the exhibition on Friday and to see José Cura in Otello at the Royal Opera on Saturday.