We're In
13 November

Of course, I got hardly a wink of sleep, I was so excited.

The move in went as well as could possibly be expected. The rain held off. The guys were swift and efficient. There were some breakages. I'll claim for those. The most distressing was a fruit bowl that my nana had owned. It probably wasn't worth a lot of money but it had memories.

Anyhow I took a bunch of pictures so you could see what the place looks like after only a few hours of residence.

Back Kitchen

Here's Ross in the back kitchen. He performed wonders all day making sure that everything was safely unpacked and stowed away. You can see from the unfinished state just how needy we are of Magnet's magic touch.


This will become the kitchen proper where we'll do all of our entertaining. the Estate Agents would have me believe that this is the Morning room but, I'm sorry, that just sounds a bit poncy to me.

Music Room

Just boxes at present but this will become the Music Room - hey I know that that sounds poncy too but it's where I shall listen to music.

Living Room

Here's the Living Room - not parlour, note. Again it's just boxes at present.

Back Bedroom

This will become Ross's studio in time but, for the moment, it's going to be the storage room.


Nothing much to say about the bathroom apart from the fact that it's small and impractically laid out.

Master Bedroom

Our bedroom is probably the tidiest room in the house. And it's a fully functional, sleeping in bedroom.

Guest Bedroom

This will become the guest bedroom when we have proper beds to put in it. Or it may become the main bedroom. We haven't made up our minds yet.


And this is my study where I shall work at my computer and where I am typing this Journal entry now.

Everything was finished so soon that we decided to go for lunch at Stamps and were treated to Matt, the painter, up a ladder painting walls. Why do I mention him? Well, phwoar. Cracking arse, I'd say. Ross had to kick me to get my attention. *Blush*

Later on, after an afternoon of unpacking, we had fish and chips for tea and early to bed.