Coda Amorosa
28 May

Well, I've battled through a lot in the last week but it's all worked out.

The weekend was spent with the delectable Cambridge Chris and yes whoopee was had by one and all three. Ross and I have long commented about Chris's very beautiful bum. Now here's your chance to see what we mean.

So Sunday, the car broke down again. The thread inside chamber three had stripped and the spark plug was banging about. Took three days to fix. My car's days are numbered I fear.

Monday and for the rest of the week Cable and Wireless pissed me about with my phone lines being either not available or only letting me make outgoing calls.

Lots and lots of packing things in boxes.

I saw Eugene Onegin at the Coliseum on Wednesday.

Act Two Party Scene

Good but not wonderful. Best singing was Peter Rose's Gremin.

Act Two Party Scene

Pickfords took most of my stuff away on Thursday but not all as the job had not been correctly specced. They came back on Friday and completed the job.

I've signed my part of the contract for the house. We should exchange next week complete in less than a fortnight after that.

The house is all but empty as I sit here on the floor typing.

I had an e-mail from James. I got to see Linda and Mary on Friday. I'm seeing Gill and Robert in a short while.

On the whole, this departure has been as good as it could be. I shall miss people and I shall miss my home. But I shan't miss London or Walthamstow in the same way that I missed Liverpool and Toxteth coming in the opposite direction.