Week Off
5 March

St David's Day came bright and clear with daffodils in the front and back garden.

Two years ago I was driving down from Merseyside on a Sunday with my parents having just been given my car by my dad (it's a D reg Vauxhall Cavalier that he was trading in for a smaller, lighter model so don't get too excited). I was deeply depleted physically and emotionally. I've come a long way and I'm planning to do more.

I saw my folks off to Euston and went into work to sort out some cover for next week when I take a day off to go for the interview in Liverpool.

I'd thought I might have some time to myself but Ross invited himself over and we had a good few days together. At his request, we did The Beach

Leonardo in The Beach

I thought it was pretty crap and that the book was much better with the central character much more unhinged than they were ever going to allow Leonardo to be. Ross agreed with me but didn't care as there were acres of naked Leonardo flesh on view and that was what he had gone for.

At my request, we got Forces of Nature out on video. Ross has Leonardo. I have Ben.

Forces of Nature

In this film, Ben strips in a gay bar. I'd have paid good money to be an extra for that shoot. *Smiles* But it's a good film anyhows and, unlike most of the "conventional person has their horizons broadened by zany member of the opposite sex" genre of films, the two main characters end up with their original partners but wiser.

We had a nice afternoon out in the Lee Valley Park also.

Me at Lee Valley

Ross at Lee Valley

Spring is on its way. The grasses were growing. The weeping willows were pushing leaves. Some of the hedgerows had a green mist on them. The birds were courting. We took a flask of tea and wrapped up well. And it was the perfect end to my week off.