Viral Depression
17 July

You may remember that I ended last week with a fairly lousy head cold. It persisted over the weekend so I didn't do very much at all. Monday I was fairly OK just tired, tired, tired. I put it down to being away last week and feeling bleagh!! about going back to work and back into the centre of London. Monday dragged by, Tuesday was a pain (I taught a class as well), Wednesday was complete torture (I attended a poor training session at the Industrial Society).

I just felt absolutely run down, depressed, ill at sorts with the world, getting nowhere. The lot.

Then Thursday, (well for one thing the weather was a bit better) but I was also out in the back garden doing a little light gardening and mentioned all of this to Kathy, my next door neighbour. She said that their family had all had the same sort of bug and that, somewhere around days 8-10, they had all felt unutterably depressed. I didn't know that bugs could do that to you. *Raspberry*

Mind you, that evening, I was out in the garden cutting the grass and I am bitten to buggery by insects all up both arms. Very nasty it is too.

So I'm putting last week down to recuperation. Good things. Yoga is back on stream now that Davina is back from her holidays. I had a little reflexology as well as healing on Wednesday night and that was interesting. And Friday night I heard a concert performance of Carmen with José Cura. It was good in a barnstorming sort of way and I really do like Cura but I enjoyed the Welsh National Opera performance which Ross and I saw in Liverpool last year much, much more.