10 June

I'm not sure whether I believe in the influence of the planets or not. However, the following made a great deal of sense to me.

Just after 7am today, Saturn, the planet of self-discipline, moved into the practical sign of Taurus, a journey it will take almost three years to complete. The effects of this celestial shift will vary according to our individual sun signs.

Saturn takes, on average, 29 and a half years to make a complete circuit of the Zodiac. Its "return" to the position it occupied at the time of your birth is know as your "Saturn Return".

Many people around the ages of 29 or 30 experience life-changing events - new priorities, a shifting of goal-posts, a sense of "adulthood" and responsibility for one's own actions. The second Saturn Return occurs around the time of another of life's important milestones - retirement.


Yours is one of the most steadfast, reliable signs of the Zodiac. And with Saturn entering your sign for the first time in almost 30 years, you cannot help but feel even more grounded, competent and secure. Being the most exacting of planets it will emphasise parameters within which to work and guidelines to follow. And if you can weld together Saturn's discipline with your own practical and productive qualities, you should achieve and acquire a great deal during the next three years or so.

Demanding it will be, but dull it won't. Because you are ruled by Venus, you are a lover of the good life. And no matter what burdens you are expected to bear, you will always find a way to indulge your taste for good living - and a little romance, of course.

If you have been grappling with deep-rooted fears and frailties, tell yourself a new era is about to begin. You'll soon be in a position to deal with reality and turn your back on ghosts from the past.