Two Out of Three
4 June

I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before but it's worth repeating - a bit of homespun philosophy from one of my favourite books Tales of the City by Armistead Maupin. It's espoused by either Michael or Mona, I can't remember which (I think it's Mona), and it goes something like this.

Everyone wants three things out of life - a hot job, a hot flat and a hot lover. The problem is that you can never have more than two of these things at any one time.

And how true this is. Thinking about my own circumstances. Hot lover, indupitably. Hot flat, well, the more we both invest in nesting, yes, the more I love my home. So, two out of three. Hot Job? Ah, well there's the rub. I could probably scraped a pass on that until recently but there are mega changes in the offing and I'm feeling very disaffected at present.

Part of the problem is lack of information. I know and everybody else knows that there are big changes on the way. But the silence is deafening. I'm not so foolish as to expect massive consultation. I worked in industry for a while so I know the feeling of the edict arriving from on high. But at least in industry you have a sense of where the company is going and therefore the parameters within which it is likely to leap. No-one knows just what is going on at present.

And it is likely that the changes will affect me greatly. I just have very little confidence that I'm going to be placed in circumstances that I really want to be in. Oh, they'll make the best possible sense on paper. They just won't reflect the practicalities of my work. Hey ho. *Frown*