Shagged Out


I'm exhausted.

I'm not complaining but I am exhausted.

I've been thinking it through. You'll have gleaned enough from this journal to know that my life over the past few years have been somewhat like a rollercoaster. I promised myself at the beginning of this year that it was going to be a year for me, a year of having fun. Well, it was slow to get going but, ever since I got back from America (well after I got over the post holiday blues), my social life has really taken off and I've met all sorts of people.

Friday night, Glen came round. You'll remember we made this date by the ice cream at Tesco's last Sunday. Conversation was a little slow to get going. Well, to say we hardly knew each other is an understatement but the ice gradually thawed and we got on well.

The conversation was enthusiastic over breakfast as well. *Wink* It's going to be fun having a fuck buddy living locally.

The rest of the weekend has been a little more quiet and reflective. I slept long and hard last night and have every intention of doing the same tonight. In fact, looking in the Filofax, I don't have any social engagements booked for next week so I think I may keep it that way. At the moment, I'm going to eat my salmon and then settle down with a glass of wine to watch Keanu looking gorgeous in a vest in A Walk in the Clouds. Then, it's pleasant dreams.