Bad News
23 August

Bad news seems to be the order of the day currently though every so often there is a ray of shining light.

Beto O'Rourke is one of those rising stars of the American political scene.

Beto O'RourkeBeto O'Rourke

Taking part in a local hustings, he talked powerfully about the school shootings in the US and the law that permits an 18 year old to buy guns designed for use in military combat. At one point, someone laughed and he rounded on them saying "It might be funny to you, motherfucker, but it's not funny to me." The crowd roared its approval of his intemperate, heart-felt response. I'm fairly certain that I would have stood and cheered too.

In contrast, Boris Johnson is still a working MP and, until the Leadership Contest provides a replacement, he remains the current Leader of the Conservative Party and de facto Prime Minister. He's demonstrated that he doesn't care two fucks about any of those three roles. He's just left the country for his second overseas holiday of the year. Good to hear that he has been heckled in Greece and told in no uncertain terms that he should get back to work.

Johnson heckled on holiday

Monday 15 August was a good day. Monday 15 August was the day that the first removal van parked up outside No10 Downing Street. My heart goes out to those poor workers who are going to have to pack and carry all of the knavish trumpery out of the building but I wish them godspeed.

Removal vans at No10

Matthew Parris writing in The Times has been reasonably trenchant in his dismissal of Liz Truss and all her works.

Matthew Parris on Liz Truss

Liz Truss is a planet-sized mass of overconfidence and ambition teetering upon a pinhead of political brain. It must all come crashing down.

This news broadcast begins with BBC reporter Quentin Somerville announcing in earnest tones "Burning behind me is eight and a half tons of heroin, opium, hash and other narcotics."

Burning drugs

He then collapses into a fit of uncontrollable giggles with a shit-eating grin on his face.

I've received an invitation to go on holiday with Ross and his parents and the rest of the family next year in a hotel in Dubrovnik. I've decided to decline the invitation.

Glenda, Trevor

Thank you for the offer to join the family for next year's celebratory holiday in Dubrovnik.
I've benefitted many times now from your generosity and not only from some of the most special holidays of my life.
On this occasion, I'm going to be selfish and say "Thank you but no".
Currently, I need as much time just for me as I can possibly get to re-charge and release myself from my cocoon.


I'm not sure that I can face another beach holiday away from things to do. If we were going to, say, Venice and they could all go to the Lido while I traipsed round churches and the like well fine. But Dubrovnik we've been to and I can't think of a reason to repeat the experience. Everyone thought that the hotel was lovely but I just saw it as a prison.

And I'm not sure that I want to be shut up in a prison with two mardy teenage girls.

Ross returned from his parents last week and promptly tested positive for Covid. He has now tested negative and so have I. In fact, I've remained Covid free throughout. Ross was a bit rough over the weekend with headaches and lethargy but has been getting steadily better since. So, I think I can safely say that I'm now free to mingle once more.