Family Matters
15 September

So... In an attempt to introduce a modicum of exercise into our lives, Ross and I are visiting the open access fitness machines in the park by our home.

Ross walks there and back using his crutches each way. I make a gentle circuit of the equipment.

The optimum plan is to make this a regular part of our lives and to increase the amount of exercise each day.

Park keep fitPark keep fitPark keep fit

Wish us luck. Haha

Meanwhile, Ross and I sorted out a new battery for his mobility scooter from Glen's Mobility. Another good job done.

Linda came up to help mum with sorting out her possessions as to what could be kept and what could go to the tip. I stayed well clear feeling that rooting through an elderly lady's lingerie was something best shared between mother and daughter.

The two of them came over to Crosby to view Room 5 at The Old Vicarage together and Linda made some very enthusiastic and supportive comments. Mum's story about all of this has now begun to change tone. Rather than outright resistance, she has begun to talk about making the move in order to put everyone's mind at rest and how grateful she is that I found this place for her. I've decided not to say anything.

A couple of days' later, I went round to The Old Vicarage to sort out a BT connection for Mum. This is part of the contract. The BT connection is needed so that mum can wear an alarm pendant which will trigger a remote alarm should she fall over or collapse. However, as Linda (Resident Manager) said to me, most of the residents refuse to actually wear them. Hey ho.

Ross and I went over to Barton-on-Humber to see his family.

Probably the highlight of the visit was a trip over to Hull to visit The Deep which is what I would have known as an aquarium in my younger days.

The Crew

The whole thing is built around a central tube of water several stories deep which houses a large array of different aquatic residents.

The side chambers contain displays of animals such as penguins and jelly fish.

PenguinsJelly fish

The central, large aquarium contains a large number of different variety of fish plus some more exotic exhibits such as sharks and swordfish.


I was entranced. And the blue light was a bonus.

Me at The DeepMe at The DeepMe at The Deep

We left The Deep and went for something to eat at Thieving Harry's. I scoured the Brunch Menu and had poached egg. I don't think that I could have faced fish and chips.

Poached egg

Kate Millett: Sexual Politics I was so sad to become aware of the recent death of Kate Millett; she was one of those iconic figures of the 1970s whose work was certainly instrumental in setting me off on my journey exploring the politics of personal arenas.