



beach 1 Beach

beach Little footprints in the sand - leaving your mark Until the next high tide... So all is transient... Alles Vergängliche ist nur ein Gleichnis The Mystic Choir at the end of Goethe's Faust as used by Liszt and Mahler in their settings. I have still not worked out your CD challenge, a glass of wine to take me through it when you are black? When I'm back, certainly.

beach Clark beach bums cocktails on a beanie.


Chinese food Laskar soup Thai green curry

Ross 2 Cool dude in a warm climate.

Palm tree Here comes the sun

Blue skies Blue skies

Blue seasBlue seas

Glenda Glenda

Doctor Proof positive that, in warmer climes, the police box cladding is shed for something a little more airy.

Rule One of Beach Holidays:
It doesn't matter how much you shower, towel or rub, sand will always infiltrate itself into your personal and intimate folds, tucks, cracks and crevices with abrasive consequences.

Rule Two of Beach Holidays:
It doesn't matter how much unguent you slap on yourself, some bastard insect will come along and take a chunk out of your anatomy leaving a big, red, itchy lump behind.

4 See Trevor This is from the BBC Lose to Burnley, Bournemouth, Swansea and Leicester. Beat Chelsea, Manchester City and Tottenham. The story of Liverpool's crazy season. They're also well on their way to doing a double over Arsenal after an excellent 45 minute showing at Anfield. Couldn't agree more.

Ross and rocks 5 Great Explorers of Our Age No54: Equatorial beach patrol


Palm shadow

David and beach Great Explorers of Our Age No55: Carry On Up The Kazinga



Ross snorkelling Great Explorers of Our Age No56: Twenty Millimetres Under The Sea

Ross snorkellingRoss snorkellingRoss snorkelling

Trevor's bite 5 We can report a first contact with the local fauna. Trevor was the victim of a viscious biting attack from a feisty Trigger Fish whilst snorkelling today. Please note that Trigger Fish are about 15cms long when they are well grown. Trevor is bigger. The bite is just above the ankle. BTW

Trigger Fish


Towel Art 6 We have towel art in the bedroom. Now, children, using these five photographs as your stimulus, write a short story about friendship, inclusion and the importance of brushing your teeth every day.

Towel ArtTowel ArtTowel ArtTowel Art

8 Stop-over lounge. Abu Dhabi Airport. 8pm here (4pm GMT). Flight leaves here 2:30am Thursday (10:30pm GMT Wednesday). Into Manchester about 6:30 am. Excellent holiday. Plan is to have a decent meal here and then sleep for as much of the journey as possible. Take full advantage of the lounge but ensure you are fit to board Am drinking a very good Americano at present and copious water to stave off dehydration. Already showered so I'm feeling fit.


JoshBen 12 Josh and Ben

Josh and Ben 12 Josh and Ben

Josh and BenJosh and Ben

Roast beef meal 19 Le rosbif à la Mary Berry.

Roast beef mealRoast beef mealRoast beef meal

Beef and veggie pie with taters 20 Beef and veggie pie with taters. Nom nom.


Christian Lindberg 23 David Guy was attending The Power of Two at Royal Liverpool Philharmonic with Nigel Smith and Roland Zollner. Stravinsky Pulcinella Suite Poulenc Concerto for Two Pianos Sibelius Lemminkäinen Suite (Four Legends) Christian Lindberg conductor Anderson and Roe piano duo


Nutkin sleeping on Ross's computer keyboard 22 Cat on a keyboard

Formby Woods 24 Guy is feeling glad at Formby National Trust Beach with Ross William Clark. Taking a breath of fresh air and hoping to see some red squirrels. Got to see a few squirrels and a possible sighting of a jay - to be confirmed after further research in the Big Boys' Bumper Book of Birds.

Ross at Formby WoodsDavid at Formby Woods

26 Mothers' Day

Mothers' Day

Medalions of pork tenderloin with spiced apple sauce, green vegetables and boiled vivaldi potatoes.

Pork tenderloin

Formby Woods 27 How pleasant, this weekend, to have re-introduced myself to Fitou and Corbières - two French red wines much ignored by the hurly-burly of the supermarket wine racks.

And how pleasant also to have this little cluster of rescue tulips in the front garden - rescued as bulbs discarded from the park last autumn but not cleared away. We brought them home to see what would happed and have been rewarded.

beach 28 A grey, damp day on Crosby beach.

beach Removal of PIP mobility allowance. Useful session with CAB. Road map now clearer. Coffee and Bakewell for him Coffee and Danish for me. Then a routine medical check and care plan update for Ross.

30 Coffee in cafe

Ross having a coffee


JoshDamien 30 Josh and Damien




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