I Am A Grandad
28 February

On 26 February to Anna and Robert was born a son.

And here is Charlie - also known as the wiffle monkey.


Elsewhere in the month, there was simply a lot of hard work at school.

My days seem to consist of... Alarm goes off at 6am. Shower, toilet, dress, breakfast, drive to work in the dark to arrive at school as the caretaker opens it up at 7am. Work at school until about 6pm. Drive home and eat meal prepared by Ross. Upstairs to my work room and mark books and prepare for the following day. Get into bed with Ross at 10pm and sleep until the alarm goes off at 6am.

Opera North: La fanciulla del West Roland somehow persuaded me to go over to Leeds with him to see Opera North new production of Puccini's La fanciulla del West. We used a special deal offer and made an evening of it by dining beforehand at a local restaurant.

Richard Farnes, the company's Music Director, is a minor miracle of a conductor. Nothing he turns his hands to seems to fail. Strauss, Massenet, Janáček, Puccini, Weill, Britten and Verdi with Wagner as announced to come.

The production by Aletta Collins was contained within stylised picturebook settings with the action and personal development kept very low key and natural: it worked well. Alwyn Mellor's Minnie and Rafael Rojas's Dick Johnson were amply voiced for such big roles though Robert Hayward stole the show as a dastardly Jack Rance.

Pompeii Kit Harington took off his furs from Game of Thrones and donned a Roman tunic for Pompeii

Really, it was one of those forgettable love story plots on which to hang some special effects. And, yes, the eruption and tsunami were all effectively delivered.

Brainless entertainment is sometimes all that I can take these days.

Taron Egerton Which is really why I tuned in to watch The Smoke an everyday tale of firefighting folk.

Jamie Bamber from Dr Faustus and Battlestar Galactica was the main draw but I was very taken by a young co-star, Taron Egerton.

A major plot point concerned a dragon tattoo on his character's left buttock. I think that all television shows should take up this idea as a bona fida rationale for young men having to expose their backsides.