Graduation Day
11 July

Cue Gaudemaus Igitur (Trans: Therefore let us rejoice).

The reference is to a light-hearted drinking song traditionally linked to student life and used at many a graduation ceremony. It was incorporated by Brahms into his Academic Festival Overture.

See. Who says that this Journal isn't educational.

And so, I attended the second graduation ceremony of my life.

Ross was there with Sue to cheer me on.

Mum and I agreed that, given everything else, she would be with me in spirit rather than in the flesh.

I was sad that dad would not know a thing about the event.

He was so proud and happy when I graduated from UCL.

Graduation 1997 style


Graduation Here's me at the actual symbolic moment of my postgraduate graduation.

Here's me with my cap and gown.

Cap and GownCap and Gown

Me and Heather Here's me with Heather - one of my fellow students.

Me and my tutor Here's me with my tutor.

Was it special?

Not sure. I don't know that I do those sorts of occasions very well.

Am I happy it is done?

Yes. Because it marks a transition. I'm one more step along the road to the goals that I set myself three years ago when I decided to change careers in a big, big way.