Albert is Home
28 May

This afternoon, I took time off school and to organise for my dad to come home.

Dad had been moved to a side ward and the hospital saw a marked improvement in his state of well-being – much less agitated. From there, the assessment moved quickly to the possibility of him being discharged to return home with a care package.

I didn't actually think that this would happen even a week ago but the medical staff at Arrowe Park are happy for him to be discharged and mum certainly thinks that he will be better off at home. Dad seemed to second that motion by simply taking himself off to the back garden as soon as he had arrived as if to say that he simply wanted to be left to his own devices. Quite probably, by the time we joined him, he had completely forgotten about anything to do with the hospital. As I've said before, his ability to forget things can be, for him, an enormous blessing.

Mum and dad in back gardenMum and dad in back garden

Mum and dad both want some peace and quiet now so I’m going to back off until Thursday when my half term begins. Then I can see about their shopping.

Not everything has gone according to plan; the promised care package may take a while yet to put in place. Overall, it’s now a waiting game to see how things pan out.

I do feel that I've been hanging on by my fingertips at my placement school. I keep trying to do the best job that I can and there are parts of it, like the literacy sessions, which I am loving.

I’m feeling quite drained and could happily take up sleeping as an Olympic sport.