Into the Final Stretch
27 April

Suddenly, and it does feel like all of a sudden, the end of my PGCE seems very close.

There's been a final burst of lectures followed by week of preparation in school and then I'm teaching as much as I possibly can up until graduation.

I've spent some time weighing out bags of sand, gravel and earth for a Science lesson I'm teaching in a couple of weeks' time. In doing so, I re-created the authentic Bank Holiday experience - lunchtime sandwiches which are 10% grit. Lols

Rigoletto I took some time out to go to FACT for a broadcast of Verdi's Rigoletto. Ross and I went to see David McVicar's production when it was new in 2001. We liked it then and I like it now. Dimitri Platanias made a very good Rigoletto and (for me the big draw) Vittorio Grigolo excelled as the Duke. Ekaterina Siurina gave us as good an account of Gilda as you are likely to hear.

Rigoletto The main controversy, if it can be called such, came in John Eliot Gardiner's conducting. He's not what I would think of as a natural Verdi conductor and I don't think that this performance did anything to persuade me differently. There were some very abrupt and unnatural changes of tempi and some not very helpful accompaniment of the singers. Still, it was still a good night out. [Three Stars - Good]

The Bridge I am totally gripped by The Bridge on BBC4 - it's available through cable catch up TV or through usual Internet sources. Very, very recommended. [Four Stars - Excellent]

You may remember that I've also been scanning and laminating some old photographs for use in school. Well, it's been a joy. Among the many things I've liked have been the way little themes have cropped up - like below. Three young boys on a boat on holiday - grandfather, father and son - Albert, David and Robert. Fabulous stuff. It's like something out of Steven Poliakoff's Shooting the Past.

Albert on a boatDavid on a boatRobert on a boat

I've found some other old photographs of my dad as well. I've had him telling me things about the photographs or at least as much as he can remember now.

Albert at school This one was taken at Barlow's Lane School Youth Club. Albert can't remember the details as to why they were all dressed so smartly or why they have been lined up for a team shot. Albert is second in from the right sitting down.

Albert on a byke This is Albert cycling in North Wales with his good friend Kenny Watling. They may well be on their way to an Outward Bound Weekend. Health and Safety 1930s style is demonstrated by the fact they they are wearing white blazers so as to be more visible. Albert is bringing up the rear.

Albert on outward bound This is Albert on an Outward Bound Weekend at Lake Idwal in North Wales. Albert is on the front row at the right looking very moody. If you follow the A5 along the Nant Ffrancon Pass, there is still a YHA Cottage on Lake Ogwen. From there, if you walk over the hill, you arrive at Lake Idwal.

It's surprising some of the things my dad still remembers.