Two Pieces of Good News
29 January

This Saturday morning started well.

After a number of botched attempts, I finally produced a poached egg worthy of the name rather than the sort of frog spawn which had previously flopped out of the pan.

And then I got an email to tell me that Liverpool Hope University had announced their decision on me after last week's interview and that I needed to go to the GTTR website to the tracking pages in order to follow this up. Which of course I did.

With alacrity.

Only to find that the tracking site was down for the day owing to essential maintenance.

Aaaaarrrggghhhhhh!!!!!! *Grrrrrr!!!*

Can't these things be coordinated?

Then Ross discovered that the postman had been and had left a letter from Liverpool Hope. So, dear reader, with a trembling hand, I tore open the envelope.

And they've offered me a place.

God only knows what the criteria were but I seem to have made a match.

The offer remains conditional. The reviews in Higher Education funding are ongoing and so there is still no confirmation of the number of places that Liverpool Hope can offer. So, the worst case scenario is that the offer could yet be withdrawn. It's unlikely but the month of February will bring answers to that particular question.

Nevertheless, I feel a small celebration coming on.

I remarked at the end of last year that I had not opened either of my bottles of Champagne.

I shall open one tonight.