16 October
The Shed

Well, tan tara, it's here.

After several months in which

the preparation work was complete and so we went off to a local supplier and bought a shed and arranged for it to be delivered and installed.

Back garden shedBack garden shedBack garden shedBack garden shed

And we are dead pleased and not a little chuffed and all.

It's so good to get all of the boxes and tools and stuff out of our kitchen and my study room and back outside again where they all should be. We have room to breathe again. Huzzah!! Huzzah!!

This activity sparked a deal of work in the garden. We've begun the process of cutting back and bedding down and settling and preparing for next year. And it's a happy time whilst the days continue to be mild and light and long enough to work at will.

We moved things around last year and mostly things have worked out. In the front garden, the scimmia and the lavender have established themselves. In the back garden the St John's Wort, the astilbe, the euphorbia and the red hot pokers established themselves. The stem irises did less well and so they've been moved again to get some more light. The helebores now go where the red hot pokers were and we shall buy some more heucheras to complete the picture.

Various bulbs have gone into the ground in places where they haven't been before. The hostas have been cut back and the pots moved towards the back window. The strawberries are primed and waiting for the winter before the suckers are transplanted next spring.

It's all very good.