John Barrowman is Gay - Part 2
30 July

The television programme was rather good.

It certainly provoked a lot of positive comment at work.

I nodded and kept quiet. I have my doubts.

I understand why people want to argue fully in favour of nature over nurture. They want scientific evidence which will help them to counter the arguments of certain of the Christian right who put forwards the idea that sexuality is a lifestyle choice.

The hunt is on for the so-called gay gene which will explain why some men are gay and some not.

Well, at the risk of calling all sorts of condemnation on my head, I do think that there is all sorts of choice involved in being gay. It's one thing to have the preferences, predilections, tendencies, whatever you want to call them. But how you then behave is a matter of choice.

And sometimes the choice, because of the sort of society you live in, is to hide yourself away or to go unacknowledged (consciously or unconsciously). It is the way that gay people have survived all sorts of persecution.

I have a further problem as well when it comes to taxonomy.

I've heard people say that being gay is as natural as the colour of your eyes. I suspect that is true. However, people find it very difficult to tell me what colour my eyes are - blue, green, grey are all possibilities. It depends on what I am wearing, what time of day it is, the quality of light, my age, what I have been doing, etc.

I think that it is the same for sexuality. I'm really against the notion that sexuality is a bi-polar switch - that you are either one thing or the other. I think that attempts to label sexuality with a few words are doomed to failure.

From my own perspective, I have certainly always had preferences, predilections and tendencies towards men but this has never been entirely exclusive. Whilst it is very unlikely that I am about to embark upon an affair with a woman at this stage of my life, I would never totally rule the possibility out. You just never know.

I am also aware that my preferences, predilections and tendencies have changed with time, experience and availability.

I am also aware that many of the men with whom I have romped would not have described themselves as being bisexual let alone gay.

So, though I think that it is interesting to know about how the release of hormones in the womb during the second trimester of pregnancy may or may not affect later behaviours, I do not believe that it is the whole story.