Young Lurv
23 July

It is always nice to know that the torch has been passed to a new generation.

And so it is with Sam, Ross's younger brother, aged 20 in January of this year.

At the beginning of January, we noted this act of celebrity worship.

Sam and John Barrowman

By the end of January, he was reduced to salivating over a plastic effigy of Captain Jack - oh puhleeze.

Sam and model of John Barrowman

Come February, it was thespian activities and buns ahoy.

Cute buns in Anything Goes

By June, Sam's oral skills were on display.

Sam pouts

Despite the attempts at cuteness on a stick...

Sam postures

and vague attempts at suggesting heterosexuality (Lottie knows that there's just no hope there)...

Sam and Lottie at the Tate

we all know that there has really only been one end in view.

Sam and Matty

BTW Nice chest rug, Matty.

Oh, and would anyone be surprised to learn that, less than eleven minutes after this photograph was taken, the two of them were at it like a trip-hammer on acid?


Well, I just made that bit up.

But you still weren't surprised.

Actually, it was twelve minutes.

And I do have Ross's permission to make this posting.

But not Sam's.

Tee hee. *Laughs*