Better Bank Holiday
26 May

Well, this was a better Bank Holiday.

We actually got some sun.

And I spent quite a lot of time in the garden.

Our GardenOur Garden

I'm so loving our garden this year. I sit out there in the early morning and drink coffee and read books and take my breakfast and listen to the birds and follow the progress of the rising sun and register the surrounding neighbourhood waking up and going about its business.

Our GardenOur Garden

Crystal Skull Sunday afternoon, we were off at the Plaza cinema for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. What can you say? It's going to make a mint at the box office but, to be frank, though its a perfectly decent and well-crafted piece of popcorn movie and the two hours of its duration passed easily enough, I came away at the end feeling that I'd seen it all before.

I'd expected it to be formulaic - that's the whole point of the franchise. And those people who criticise the movie by saying that Harrison Ford is not believable as an action hero because he is over 65 years old really need to think about what they mean by the word believable in this context.

Crystal Skull To put it simply, there's just no real WOW factor to be had and the CGI effects are simply that - obvious CGI effects. So, I can't give away more than two and a half stars really. [Two and a Half Stars - Reasonable]

However, we did like Shia LaBeouf who has not previously come into our orbit. His entrance on a motorcycle looking like an air-brushed Marlon Brando in The Wild One was a thing to treasure. We also liked the way he frequently got wet and the way his jeans clung to him in those moments. What was less clear was why in the next shot he would suddenly be bone dry again.

Shia LaBeoufShia LaBeouf

Still, he wins the award for cute boy buns of the month - if such an award existed.

Sam Elsewhere in the world of cod awards, Ross's younger brother Sam has just made a bid for the pout of the month award. Apparently, he's also had a dicky tummy recently. Well, too many options there I feel.

The last Bank Holiday event I need to mention is meeting up with family, parents, sister and goddaughter, on the Bank Holiday Monday. A lovely time was had by all.