Does Ross Smoke?
18 May

Well, he says no.

But you'd have to say that the evidence was very much stacked against him.

There's the fact that, when he goes off on his own on his electric wheelchair, he comes back with his clothes and breath smelling of nicotine no matter how much minty gum he chews.

There's the cigarette ends which appear in the back garden and on the front path on days when no-one apart from us has been in the house.

There's the cigarette ash that appears in the back garden on the hosta leaves.

There's the fact that, when Ross goes downstairs in the night, I can smell smoke from the garden through the open window if I go to the toilet.

There's the plastic wrapping from cigarette packets which appears in unlikely places like on Ross's wheelchair.

There's the outline of the cigarette packet in the top inside pocket of Ross's leather jacket.

I don't want to ask Ross again because I don't want to be in a situation where I don't believe what he says to me. I'm quite happy for him to have privacy. If he does smoke, I don't want him doing it anywhere near me. But I don't want secrets and lies.