The Carpet Is Down
22 November

Well, that's another job done.

The carpet in the bedroom is down and the decorating work in nearly done.


It is difficult to remember how it all looked several years ago when we moved in.


I certainly prefer this new look which is cleaner and warmer.

The warmer is certainly necessary. Just at present, we have been having our first coldish snap. I can always tell as the floor tiles in the kitchen become unpleasant to walk across first in bare feet and then in stockinged feet. Another marker is that when I drove over the tops to Buxton on Monday night, not only did I drive through fog but there was also snow piled up high on the sides of the roads. Apparently there was a snowfall in Birmingham last Saturday morning as well.

Anyhow the bedroom is fabbity. And that's not just the colour scheme. I am just overjoyed at no longer waking up to look at bare plaster. And the sensation of new carpet rather than (dirty) floorboards underfoot when I make the nocturnal stroll to the bathrook and back again is very satisfying.

The long haul now is the sash window - or rather the three sash windows in the bay. Painting them is a three dimensional jigsaw puzzle. It's a case of dismantling a bit, painting it, waiting for it to dry, painting another bit, waiting for it to dry, reassembling the first bit, moving on to another bit, etc, etc.

Still, I'm enjoying it and will be mightily pleased when it is all done.