27 April

I've never been involved in a real road traffic accident before.

I set out from work to see English Touring Opera at the Buxton Opera House. In fact, I was making very good time and was looking forwards to the healing balm of Mozart's Seraglio.

I got as far as the outskirts of Knutsford before another car ran into the back of mine. The car in front of me wanted to turn right and had braked because of oncoming traffic. I braked also. The car behind me didn't.

I was OK at the scene. I was certainly not physically damaged as far as I could tell but I was certainly somewhat shocked.

I've already been given the low down about whiplash from a few people. Apparently it can take anything up to three weeks to manifest itself. I'm going to see how it goes. I have reasonable mobility in my neck - looking over my shoulder is painful and tipping my head back to drain a pint is painful. The muscles in my neck are very stiff and sore (I'm hoping that a couple of hot baths will sort that out).

The car, as you can see from the photograph, did its job and crumpled to absorb the impact of the collision.


I suspect that it's going to be a write off and that I'm into the business of dealing with buying a replacement. I'll probably go for something similar. The difficulty is going to be that I shall only get sale value for the current one (say £1.5K) whereas it will cost me nearer £4K to replace - hey ho, these things will happen.

It's all a complete hassle - so much for a day's holiday which is what today Friday was meant to be!! The other guy has accepted complete liability so I'm by the phone just waiting for various agencies to phone. Currently I'm waiting for the insurance assessor to let me know when s/he will come to tell me my car is a write-off and for the courtesy car company to tell me when that will be arriving.

I've been remarkably calm so far, if a little weepy and vulnerable at moments. Friends and family have rallied round. Friends tell me to relax as it's not the first time that I have been rear-ended.