Hairy Potter
2 February

This year is a major Harry Potter fest.

Deathly Hallows Firstly, it has now been confirmed that the final Harry Potter book will be called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and is to be published on Saturday 21 July (which actually means on the Friday night if past experience is anything to go by). At that point we shall find out if any of my predictions come true.

Deathly Hallows Meantime, we have the release of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on Friday 13 July. Teaser trailers and posters have already begin appearing for this major motion picture event.

Equus Finally, there's Equus. This play by Peter Shaffer will star Daniel Radcliffe and Richard Griffiths (two Potter films stalwarts). I'm very intrigued by this as I saw the original National Theatre production at the Old Vic when its main players were Peter Firth and Alec McCowen. It was a career defining performance for Peter Firth and he struggled to come out of its shadow for many years (he's now a regular on our TV screens as Harry in Spooks. I'll be interested to see how they do the horses. It was the most distinctive feature of John Dexter's production and was a stunning coup de théâtre.

The publicity machine for Equus has been under way for some time now and is picking up speed as we near the first night. Though the two articles were printed some two months apart, I find it odd that David Pugh uses the same line "We are not doing it as an excuse to show Harry Potter's willy" in both. Either he trots it out in every interview or he is protesting too much. I favour the latter. I think he knows that Harry Potter's willy will sell tickets.

In a similar vein, the publicity photographs recently released have caused quite a stir among many of the newsgroups and blogs out there in cyberspace.

Daniel Radcliffe

Well, I found myself going "Fwar" and then realised that I was perving over a 17 year old lad. Many have said that this is simply a reaction t the high art of it all. Actually, I think that that is a nonsense. Yes, the photographs are extremely well crafted. And they are crafted to make Daniel Radcliffe's body look very desirable and available.

That body hair, that treasure trail, those perky nipples.

It has nothing to do with art and everything to do with using sex to sell tickets. Harry Potter's willy, in fact.

I can already see the parody titles.

Still, I can see one positive virtue in terms of the play for all of the work that young Daniel has been putting in at the gym.

Daniel Radcliffe He actually does look as though he might be a stable lad, which is what the character Alan Strang is. Peter Firth looked very beautiful back in 1974. But it was a 1970s beauty which didn't have much to do with the gym bunny culture of the past decade or so. And it didn't really look as though he worked performing manual labour for a living come to think of it. Young Dan looks quite capable of hefting those saddles around.

Anyhow, I shall be primed to report back to you all when Ross and I see the show in May. We have our tickets booked.