Kitten Time
20 September

Well, I was right about the interview candidate whom I did not want on the team.

Within 48 hours of his starting work for Connect, he had put both members of my team into a bate. Thank God I did not capitulate and allow him into the group.

Major event of the week, however, was feline rather than work related.

Ross and I have talked about getting a second cat for some time. As is the case with Ross these days, he doesn't stand for my prevarications and so, on Wednesday, he took himself off with his carer, Sue, to Freshfields Animal Rescue to see what the procedures for obtaining a cat were.

Inevitably, whilst he was there, he had a look at some of the kittens and, also inevitably, fell in love with one. I received a guilty email at work to tell me of this. He'd placed a reservation on the cat in question with a view to me inspecting her so that we could come to a joint decision.

Photo of Jemima Well, of course, there really wasn't any further decision to take. On Saturday, we went out to the sanctuary and I liked her enough not to disagree and so she came home with us straight away. We'd already had a visit from the cat lady whose job it is to check out prospective owners and make sure that they have a sensible attitude to cats. We passed with flying colours.

She gave us some distressing information, however. Apparently, there are youths patrolling the area of a nighttime with lurchers. They shine torches into the parks and, if they spot a cat, the unleash the dogs on them. So, Nutkin definitely isn't going to be spending any time on night patrol in the near future.

Our one concern about getting another cat was the effect it would have on Nutkin. The first signs weren't good as he slunk out of the house clearly muttering feline imprecations in Victor Meldrew style.

Within two days, she has settled in. Nutkin and her have introduced themselves properly by sniffing each others bottoms. She has quite a turn of speed for one so small and has already shown herself to be a questing and dauntless little cat. She's been all the way up and down stairs under her own steam and has had a small chasing and fighting game with Nutkin.

As I type this, she is sat on my shoulders just behind my head warming my neck and purring.