Media File VII
13 November

One of the few watchable programmes of this year has been The Salon.

The SalonThe Salon

Whether it has been cute customers or cute employees, it has been the best of the reality shows.

The SalonThe SalonThe Salon

Although that really isn't offering an enormous amount of praise. *Laughs*

A couple of other bits of totty have caught the eye.

Jeff Brazier This is Jeff Brazier sprawled on a bed. He is Jade Goody's boyfriend. That's the loud mouthed one off Big Brother some time ago. What he sees in her God only knows. She's pregnant by him so maybe that's the answer. Anyhow, he's a little sweetie.

Meanwhile, on The South Bank Show, Jermaine Greer hosted a programme about the image of beautiful boys throughout the history of art. Her theory was that looking at boys was just as much a female occupation as a gay male prerogative. Fine. But not many women commissioned works of art in those days. But a number of rich gay men did. And I'm sure that their women friends liked to look too.

The SalonThe Salon

This little poppet cropped up as a tasteful modern example.

And how many gay men watched the programme as a result?

I rest my case. *Raspberry*