12 September

The autumnal season is upon us.

Darker mornings and swathes of late evening light at 8pm.

High winds and leaves tumbling.

The first Royal Liverpool Philharmonic concert of the season and the Last Night of the Proms.

Schools returned and Colleges returning. Buses full.

Central heating morning and evening.

Fruits and seed pods ripening and flowers dying back.

Tee shirts and shorts back in the wardrobe. Woolly jumpers and fleeces to the ready.

A head cold.

Vitamins and cod liver oil.

And sorrow, poignant sorrow for the mellowing of the year and the narrowing of the days. A sorrow that, this year, I find easier to bear than most. For the cold and the dark will come and pass and the spring will bear with it my Rossi and our resumed life together.