What Treats!
21 May

I've been working at home today which has been a rare treat.

It's a luxury I don't like to over-use but it's good when it happens. I like the freedom and the responsibility.

So I sat in the garden and the sun burnt back the sea mist and rained golden light upon me. And I worked, unfettered by phones and colleagues, and I composed a training course, thinking all the time of the narrative flow and the needs of the participants and trying to understand the sequence of knowledge they would need to build their capabilities and how best to support that through structured activities.

And it was good.

And I ate strawberries from a bowl of cool water. And I drank chilled wine. And I drank iced tea. And I listened to music on Radio 3. And I relaxed as I worked.

And it was good.

And up above, swallows silhouetted, aerodynamic, fork-tailed, swept and shrieked hunting for insects in the warm air. And a cat came to visit. And bees and butterflies hovered and darted. And washing dried.

And it was good.

And around me I noticed new flowers on bushes, new shoots on the passionflower, new buds on the roses, new leaves on the tomato plants, new growth on the onions and the lettuces.

What larks! What treats!